Dane started school last week! We had the best time getting him ready for his first day. Our favorite part was giving him his new Diego backpack. He LOVES it and takes it everywhere with him. We tried to put it on his back, but he was all about the wheels!
Here we are walking to the school. We were lucky that daddy was able to stay home from work for the big day (and to take tons of pictures :).

It is standard protocol to leave your backpack in a giant bin as soon as you arrive. In this pic, one of Dane's teachers is asking him to put his backpack in the bin. He promptly said "No, I want to keep it" and carried it all over the playground. It was hilarious. It didn't leave his side. The cutie in the skirt and hat is Dane's friend, Katie. We're so happy they are in class together!

So....Dane did really well when we left and even did well on the playground, but his teachers said he was tearful the entire time in the class room. Here is what we found at pick-up time. Sad!!!!!!

A few minutes in mom's arms, and all was well. He was definitely ready to leave though :-)

And here's our school boy with daddy!!! Hopefully things will be easier for Big D this week!
Way to go Dane!! I was sad my first day of school too but was very excited to go back. Look forward to this whole new chapter of updates.
I also must compliment you on the shoes. VERY STYLIN'!
Good boy Dane. First day is sometimes the hardest.
Jenny cried first few day when I dropped her off then she cried when I picked her up. She wanted to stay and play more. (stacy's sister)
Yeah Dane! I'd love to hear where he's going up there in MInnesota! Great pics!
It'll get easier Dane. Good job though & what a cool backpack. And Shelly you look fantastic!
that is so cute. what a big boy starting his first day of school. shelly, you look great in that first picture...are you sure you just had a baby?
These pictures are so cute - how sad about him crying though - it'll get better Dane!
Oh my gosh. So sad. There is nothing like that first day. It will get better. Hoping to hear that it's getting easier. how many days is he going?
He does look very stylin' too : )
Oh that would be SO hard to see him cry. He looked stylin on his first day...just cute as can be! Way to go Bud! Love the pics guys and Shelly you look amazing!
Oh my gosh I can't believe he is nursery school!!!!! I am with Nicole - are you SURE you just had a baby??? You amaze me! Matt you have a HOT wife!! That little Dane is so precious I can't take it. I love the picture of him looking back at the camera - so sweet!
One question: Did Dane have any CD's packed away in his backpack? I'll bet the tears ripped your heart out... On another note, I will get the pics of our visit posted this weekend... promise!
Too cute!!!!!!! Poor buddy wanted some love'n from mom and dad! And the backpack.....too cute!!
first thing i thought: wow, dane's wearing clothes! i seriously think that's success enough for the first day, guys.
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