Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday

Hi Lovely People!

It's time for What I Wore Wednesday, where I take a proactive approach to how I dress.  I get out of my yoga pants and put on "real" clothes!!  (This was easy when I worked outside the home, but not so easy now that I stay home.)  I started doing this after I found The Pleated Poppy.  After having my 3rd little munchkin, I stumbled upon Lindsey's blog, and she inspired me to care about myself again (well, my outward appearance anyway :-).  

I love WIWW for two reasons:
1)  I actually wear the clothes in my closet
2)  I have discovered what I like/don't like so I don't waste money buying things I won't wear (sound familiar??)

If you want to participate in this exercise as well, just take pics of your outfits and link up here:  

I wore this outfit to BSF.  I am a huge fan of simplicity, so this is the perfect outfit for me.  I think a bib necklace would have been nice, but I didn't have one.  That may have to be a post-Christmas purchase!
Sweater: Local Shop / Skirt, Tights, Booties: Target
I wore this running around town.  It's casual with a little touch of sparkle.
Sweater, Belt, Shoes: Target / Shirt: Old Navy / Jeans: Nordstrom BP
I wore this to a birthday party.  Simple, simple.  
Sweater: Local Shop / Jeans: Target / Shoes: Tory Burch via Nordstrom / Necklace: Hot Mama
I wore this running errands in the rain.  It was pretty warm, so I was able to wear my favorite Gap coat again (in December!).
Sweatshirt: Land's End Canvas / Coat: Gap / Jeans: Nordstrom BP / Boots: Burberry via Neiman Marcus

I hope you all have a great week!!!  I'm off to play trains with my youngest :-)
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy.


Unknown said...

All these outfits are great! The skirt in the first photo is gorgeous! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. xo

Unknown said...

Really cute Shell! Especially like the dimple!!

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