Saturday, April 21, 2012


The adorable Henning clan came to visit us during their Spring Break!  Minnesota for Spring Break?  Yep!!  We got lucky too because the weather was unseasonably warm.  We took the kids all over town - Como Zoo, Wayzata Beach and Lake Calhoun.  Paige and I hit up a matinee - The Hunger Games.  Wade & Matt watched a little March Madness.  And we laughed a lot more than we have in months.  We love this family so much and are grateful they made the haul from Kansas to MN!!!

Beautiful Miss Ava!

D loved Miss Paige & Mister Henning :-)

Nolan loved running on the beach.

Erik loved climbing.

Does it get much cuter than this? Two beauties!

Can you find Erik? Can't believe he climbed to the top!!

Check out Beau's adorable smile!

Tripp loved the dirt - not surprised :-)

You can't tell from the picture, but this thing is TALL.
Sort of like a high totem poll...and he did it all by himself!

All 6 kiddos at Como Zoo.

Dane & Beau being silly in the rain.
These 3 had so much fun together.

And so did these 2 :-).

Thanks for coming Henning family!  We miss you SO much and can't wait to visit you in Kansas!!!

1 comment:

boo and stacy said...

FUN times!!! 6 kiddos is a lot of fun and crazy chaos! Glad y'all had some good laughs!!!! They are all so darling!

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