Here is a good before picture. You can see how long his hair was in the back. It was so long that it would get really snarled and knotted, especially after his naps. His "Stylist" had a big tub of suckers, Dane picked out Butterscotch. He hated it.

His "Stylist" had to use some detangler in the back to get his hair flowing again.

At certain times...he was loving it.

Because it's so curly, you really didn't get a sense for how long his hair was. It was probably a good 5 inches long.

Quite "Trump-esque" in this picture.

Next, we busted out the bubbles. He was all about them bubbles.

Here is an after picture. The whole thing went pretty quickly and his Stylist did great job.

I wish I got bubbles and candy... But I go to the cheap "barber" since "stylists" charge twice as much. But Dane is worth it. The new look is very suave and its great to still see a hint of curl.
Love that he still has his great curls. Love the documentary of it all. :)
I'm so relieved that he still looks like our curly-headed D! What a cutie. Now don't lose the locks they gave you to save... you can show them to his prom date about 16 years from now! He'll really appreciate that...
Love you, Dane...
so cute. What a trooper. No tears. You parents should be proud.
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