Dane's cousin Cruz come over as well. He was dressed as a frog...more specifically a Phyllobates terribilis. Better known as the Golden Poison Frog. He was pretty darn cute and had a lot of fun. The boys really play well together.

This is a little bit of a flashback picture from Halloween last year from Shelly's ECFE class. Dane was a pirate last year. The picture at the bottom is from this year.

Dane!!! Blow your whistle. We have a major violation here. Your parents shorted your loyal fans from a complete "Ten on Tuesday" posting. We are owed three more pics of your awesome costume.
Cutest referee ever!!! Hans, you are too funny.
Was waiting for these!!!! SO darling!!!!
Ok although Dane is the cutest referee I have ever seen, I have a complaint... There were only 7 pictures posted... I insist on getting our last 3! Afterall, it is not 7 on tuesday! ;)
Looks like Dane had a great Halloween!
I love the ref with the curls:) He is so adorable you dont see many refs these days:)
and i loved the frogs' eyes on his head! good for him keeping his head on!
Isn't the change between 2007 and 2008 amazing? He's adorable as usual.
Keep after 'em, Hans! I trust you to police this matter to the fullest!
omg cutest ref ever. love the comparison shots...gosh isn't it amazing what happens in a year! but that's NOT going to happen to my baby, we've already talked.
He looks like such a big boy in his costume. And please help figure out how to make them stop growing!
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