1. We've taken Dane to a couple of apple orchards this Fall. Here he is in front of the "How Tall This Fall?" sign. We found out last week, at Dane's 18 month check-up, that he's really 36.5 inches tall. So he's either slouching a
lot, or the sign is leaning a bit :-)

2. And here he is last year!

3. Dane loved picking out apples from the wooden bins, and he loved throwing them in my plastic bag. Yes, we did have some casualties, but most ended up in the bag.

4. He tried so hard to pull them off the tree, but his little hands weren't quite strong enough. Maybe next year.

5. We love how happy Dane is in this picture!

6. There was a hollowed out log at one of the orchards. Dane liked playing peek-a-boo through it.

7. We bought him these old school blocks, and he played with them for 5 whole minutes!

8. There were three little boys climbing on a pile of haystacks, and Dane loved watching them. He just clung onto his football and laughed while they climbed all over. It was super cute.

9. Later in the week, Dane had a rare snuggle moment with dad. He just sat in Matt's lap for about 20 minutes. I was jealous!

10. Thought we'd leave you with a keester shot. Here is Dane trying to turn the fan on with his foot. He learned this from his lazy parents :-)

Have a great week!
Love the keester shot! He's growing into a kid! I can't take that our boys are moving out of the baby stages.
Wow he's tall! And I'm glad to see it's not just my boy that likes to use his feet to do things. Must be a boy thing.
Baby Dane!!! So cute. I wish LA had an apple farm. Heck... I'd be happy if we had trees PERIOD. :)
So darling! I love the shot from last year and this year of his height! so cute!
Love all the shots. I've gotta start going to your actual site instead of bloglines so I actually comment. So excited for fall cuz I can live vicariously your and Gina's blogs. I love all of your fall posts from last year and looking for to this year's.
Apple farms are SO fun! What a helper! The before and after is great!
The heck with the apple farm... Nana is a sucker for a cute baby's bottom!
I love the before and after picture..you should do it every year:)
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