Lately, that's what it's been all about. Not so much for Shelly, but for Big D. A couple weeks ago he starting trying on his shoes. It was a rough start at first, but he's been getting the hang of it. When we first caught him trying to get them on, he would put one hand on a chair for stability. His shoe would be too far away and he wasn't able to reach it and keep his hand on the chair at the same time. He'd look at the chair and look at his shoe, back to the chair and then the shoe trying to figure out how to get it to work. After a while, the frustration would evidenced below.

When we moved his shoe within reach, his concentration became so intense and there wasn't anything that was going to prevent him from getting that shoe on.

Once he got both of them on, he reveled in his success. He was so proud of himself and the grin was from ear to ear!

Needless to say, we let him enjoy his win. We're now working on getting the shoes on his correct feet. But there's no need to rush. Sometimes he'll put on both right shoes from two different pairs. So much fun to see him learn new things.
Some mornings I too have difficulties getting the right shoe on each foot. But then again I also have a hard time doing just about anything in the morning. Maybe Dane will be more of a night owl.
I think it's precious. Love Dane's expressions! concentration, frustration, elation... Getting the right foot takes some time... years, in some cases (see Hans' comment above).
I can't wait to see photos of him trying to get his snow boots on this winter! Now THAT will be really interesting!
i just want to snuggle him...he is getting so big.
Yes, Nicole. He looks so snuggly. Good job Dane!!!
So sweet! And love that buddha belly
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