Aunt Wendy participated in a silent auction and won some Wild hockey tickets. But she lives in D.C., so she decided to give them to us!!! LUCKY!! She helped a great cause and four boys had a super fun time at the game. Here are some pics of Matt, Dane, Uncle Josh and Cruz at their first father-son hockey game.
Dane kept his hood up the entire game because he thought it was too loud in the arena. He kept saying, "Next time, I'll just put some ice skates on my ears and it will be much better." Ha ha!! Ice skates? On your ears? Ok. The boys enjoyed the freebies!! Next time the boys attend a game, they will have to take Erik and Rocco too. Then the moms can go have a cocktail :-) Thanks for the tickets Wendy!!
Looks like the dads had more fun than the little boys... EXCEPT for the eating part! I agree, Shel, that ALL the boys should go out so the moms can have girls' night!
That is so cute! That little Dane and his precious personality, I love it! Great memory for Dane and daddy!
The mask picture is hilarious!!
You would be amazed how effective ice skates are at minimizing noise levels. Dane is definitely ahead of his time.
Looks like the dads had more fun than the little boys... EXCEPT for the eating part! I agree, Shel, that ALL the boys should go out so the moms can have girls' night!
How fun and cute!!! Go Wild!
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