Daddy and his little girl!

Here are the ladies with their little ones. Winter is about 2 months older than Erik.

We took our annual picture by the "How Tall This Fall" sign. We get one every year. It will be fun to compare as the boys get older!

Lil' E showing off his tough guy pose!!! "What are you starin' at?"

Mike took a family pic for us. As usual, Dane was not wanting to participate.

Next, we headed to pick some Apples. Our favorites are the Honey Crisps. If you haven't tried them, I highly highly recommend it.

Dane had a blast picking the apples off the trees.

It doesn't get much fresher than that. He ate the entire thing, core and all!

Dane and his God-Father!

We took some 5 month Pics of Winter as well.

Love the chunky thighs.

My gosh, has it seriously been two years since you held Dane against that "How Tall this Fall" sign? It crazy how big he is getting. And Erik right behind. Mike and Lindsay, Winter is precious. Those eyes are incredible.
Wish I could be out ther picking apples with you. 'Round these parts you have to go to these places call grocery stores and pick through all the ones that people dropped on the floor.
Winter is adorable... wonderful chubby cheeks and kewpie doll eyes! She and Little E look so cute together. I love the shot of Dane through the apples and leaves! I think I may have to print that one out and put it in a frame. Love & miss you guys!
Sooooo fun!!!!! Love all the pics, and that apple farm.
that last picture of Winter is priceless!
Oh Winter is so cute!! It was great to see pictures of Mike, Lindsay, and their beautiful girl. Looks like the Orchard was a blast...what Orchard did you go to? Once again adorable pics of your cute kids...Darling!!!
Tell Dane and Little E hi from us! :)
Ok SOOO much to comment!!!! The one with Shell holding Erik at the how tall this fall shot - Are you kidding me???? he is sooo stinkin' precious! And those SOCKS!!!!! THEN the photo shoot ones - the one with erik and winter - Ahhhhhh - then the ones of winter! L and M must be THRILLED to have those! The family picture of L, M and W is DARLING! And I LOVE the wagon with dane and shelly and I LOVE the bright red apple picture of Dane AND the sepia eating apple one! ALL SOOOOO fabulous!
Love these cute fall pictures - we have to get to Apple Jack's soon!
How fun! And everyone is ADORABLE!!!!
I love honey crisp apples too! I get them everytime I go to the farmer's market. Mmmmm, so good! By the way, thanks for the Halloween card filled with pictures! I have the CUTEST nephews ever!! Can't wait to see more of you guys soon. I will be in the car for 22 hours on Saturday, so please feel free to call if you are free. LOVES
Fun seeing both of them together! I would love to go to that apple orchard! Looks so neat! The apple pic of Dane is sooo precious! Looks like a fun time with the God parents:)
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