Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Random Thoughts

Happy Tuesday everyone!  We have been MIA on this blog...I (Shelly) have been spending all my time either caring for my littles, working on a photo book or working out (my New Year's resolution!!).  And all of our pictures end up being stored on Matt's computer, which he has at work all day long, so I don't get around to posting pictures at night.  To put it mildly, I am D.O.N.E. by the time 8:15 rolls around.  Then I do the dishes and lounge around for the rest of the night.  Seems like it would be the perfect time to blog, but it just doesn't happen.  I have, however, been reading a TON of blogs.  I guess my new hobby is reading blogs - not blogging myself :-).

Anyway, here are some random thoughts...

1.  My boys LOVE Superhero T-shirts.  I have no idea how they even know what Superheros are, but they love wearing the T-shirts.  Erik picks out his Batman shirt almost every day (he alternates this with a football shirt that is almost always dirty).  Dane isn't as picky, but he loves wearing his Superman shirt.  I don't mind that they wear them.  I actually think they're adorable.  I just wonder how they know that Superheros are cool?  Anyway, I am excited because Old Navy is offering 30% off online, so now Erik will be getting a new Spiderman T-shirt for Easter, and Dane will be getting a new Batman one.  They are going to love them.

2.  Cadbury mini eggs are back in this house.  Just saying...

3.  I recently found out I was addicted to my TV.  In a bad way.  It broke 1 week ago today, and the last 7 days have been TOUGH.  I have realized I use TV way too much.  I use it to calm the littles, I use it when I'm having a blah day and I need to "escape," and I use it to occupy the littles whenever I need to make a call or do anything requiring more than 5 minutes (you understand).  And I realized I just watch way too many shows.  I'm sure my DVR has reached capacity, and it's killin' me that I can't get to those shows!!  I have managed to watch a few over the internet, but there are a ka-zillion commercials and the screen is small, so it's not as good.  But even though having a broken TV has made my life a bit harder and less convenient, I have still sort of liked it.  I've played with my boys more.  I've read more (fashion blogs, that is :-).  I've had more conversations with my hubby.  It's actually been nice.  I guess that's why it's been a week and we still haven't taken it in to get fixed.  But the Olympics are just around the corner, and watching the Summer Olympics is one of my all-time favorite things, so IT WILL HAVE TO BE FIXED SOON.

4.  It's around 50 degrees here in Minnesota today, and all our snow is melting.  Hello Spring!!  Please stick around for a while.  I despise it when we have nice weather like this, and then it goes back to freezing.  It's such a tease.  Especially when I've been buying tons of Spring clothes...and they're just sitting in my closet and will probably stay there for another month. Boo.

5.  This showed up on our door step today!  I saw one in Target about a year ago, but I didn't buy it because I wasn't sure I loved it (I have a difficult time deciding on art work - it's so tough for me).  Anyway, I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, and then it was gone by the time I decided to buy it.  So, I have been looking for an affordable replacement for a long time.  I'm so excited!

I will try to get around to posting some pictures soon.  Dane will be 5 in a couple weeks, and he requested a bowling party.  It will be off the hook!!

1 comment:

Nicole Svendsen said...

good job without the TV shell! And I am going to check out the superhero shirts...

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