Yep...WE'RE PREGNANT. Big D is going to be a Big Brother. We heard the heartbeat of "Deuce" last week. We are so excited and can't wait for our family to grow. We've decided to not find out whether we're having a boy or a girl...so much fun!
We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Zitzlsperger's house for Thanksgiving. Dane was playing ball with Weebies, their cute dog. Weebies is probably just as, if not more, obsessed with balls as Dane. They make a great pair and did more than just play fetch.

As you can see, they were both extremely satisfied after the exchange. Dane loves pretzels and animal crackers, but now he wants to grab them out of the jar himself. The other day, after requesting some pretzels, the next thing we know he's brought them over to the TV for a little snack while watching "Go Diego Go."

He also has loved playing in the sink recently. He'll push a chair over to the sink and start turning on the water. We caught a couple funny pics when he finished the other day.

When Shelly's mom comes over, she usually brings a couple Sacajawea coins and then we put them into his little fish bank (the pigs were on strike). He loves to save money. We're pretty proud of him, especially with the economy in its current situation.

This was a fun family photo we took at Kelly and Josh's house. We love his little eye dimple.

We had a supper club last month and Dane got to help feed Grace Madden. He is taking after Matt in this particular picture. Matt would unconsciously open his mouth really wide as he would feed Dane each bite.

There really isn't a worthy caption for this last picture. Shelly was just in the right place at the right time to catch Dane practicing for his Abercrombie and Fitch Baby photo shoot that is coming up. Derek and Hansel...your prodigy has arrived.

I don't even know where to begin on this one. I can't. The coat, the pretzels, the water, the saving of money, the second baby. Its all too much at once. I will say this.. 1: CONGRATS!!! 2. Dane, you really do have a future in Hollywood. 3. Matt, Why the tent? Do those things go on major clearance this time in Minnesota?? And finally... I am thankful to have each of you in my life. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!
Oh my gosh!!!! Big chills. That's so exciting!
Love the coat on Dane! Where did you find it? (every once in a while, San Antonio requires the use of a good jacket).
Oh my gosh the video is PRECIOUS! The funniest part was Dane's classic "Wee-oh" Wee-oh!!!!". Have been thinking about you - and thought of you on the 24th! The dog pictures are so fabulous! The last picture - OH MATT you CRACK me up with your caption! That is EXACTLY what is it! By the way - you are really showing Shelly the ropes - she is great on the camera as well! YEAH Baby #2!!!! g
congrats on baby number two...what self-control it takes to wait and not find out the sex!! what will it be???????
Yay! Love this weeks post, and I think "Deuce" is a great nickname for Baby Z #2!! Shell your hair is so dark - super cute! LOVES
yahooooooooooooo! so happy for you guys! can't wait to tell alla in the morning! not finding out is the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you guys. Dane will LOVE being a big brother.
Congrats on the second baby!!! All of the pics are precious and love Dane's jacket. Love the last pic.
Sounds like at this point Dane's more interested in the wee-oh than the new baby! But Nana is definitely excited about the new baby! Will you maintain a bump watch every few weeks with ten on Tuesday so we can keep track of both kids?
Yea! I'm so excited for you guys. Such wonderful news! Dane is going to make such a great big brother.
I'm impressed that you're going to wait to find out the sex--we couldn't do it. I'm way to impatient (-:
Congratulations!!! What a precious way to tell everyone:))
So darling!!
LOVE the blue peacoat!!
Congrats "Zitz Family" What a blessed little baby he or she will be in your precious family.
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