In my opinion, people should keep their Christmas lights up all year round. It is so fun to see houses decorated with lights. Here is our house...with a fun photography special effect added.

We celebrated Christmas with my (Matt's) side of the family this past Saturday. It had been snowing most of the day and we brought all of Dane's gear with the hopes of getting some more pictures of him in the snow. Shelly pulled him around front yard for a little bit. The snow was nearly a foot deep.

We stood him up in the snow and he could barely move.

Maddie then took a family picture of us. Great picture taking Maddie! You're a natural.

On Sunday, we headed to Grammy's house in Watertown, SD. The wind was fierce and made it difficult to drive at times. Shelly snapped this from the co-pilot seat. You can barely see the car in front of us and the road was almost non-existent. It's a good thing it was daylight.

Quite frequently, we'd hit a snow drift that had built up in the road. It wasn't too crazy driving through them, but it was pretty freaky when the car in front of us would hit one. A huge puff of white snow would blow up and we would just have to drive through it. I felt like 'Cole Trickle' in "Days of Thunder" when he had to keep his line and stay on the gas!!! Here is a link for those who are not following...watch the first 90 seconds. "I'm through!!!"

Finally, we caught this picture of Big D the other day. He has changed so much the past few months. He is definitely all boy and no longer a baby.

Here is a comparison picture of Dane 6 months ago.

Oh my gosh that comparison picture is AMAZING!!! What a difference is right! I have never seen one of those sun dogs before - fascinating! The family picture is one of the best ones you have- I am printing one out for myself!!!! Merry Christmas - Oh and your house!!! Hellooooo - that is a rich person house! It is sooo huge - it is so grown up - - sooo beautiful, with snow and everything! Can't wait to see it (one day)!
Great pictures. I've never seen anything like that. Interesting. Merry Christmas to you guys!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS ZITZLSPERGERS!! Your pictures are truly a gift. Dane is getting SO big. I wish I could lose my double chin as quickly as he did. ;) Stay warm and safe on the road. Gosh, I thought the LA pot holes were dangerous.
My mom wants me to add... "Pretty eyes... They all have gorgeous eyes... Pretty teeth... They all have gorgeous teeth." Too bad she isn't casting for Crest commercials. ;)
O my they grow so fast. Good that you are capturing it in pictures and the blog. Before you know it, it will be the graduation picture from college. ture, each year gets faster and faster. Before you know it he'll be coming home with his kids. So keep up the good memories and enjoy. Darling family.
wow you guys he HAS grown up a lot! 6 months is huge. what size is he wearing this winter?
Has he gotten so big. He must be getting taller and thinner. It looks like he lost his baby fat. What a nice family.
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