Dane visited Santa yesterday! And it was quite a challenge finding Santa in South Dakota...let me tell you! We have been in Watertown since Sunday and thought it would be easy to head to the local Mall to see him. Well, he was only in town on Saturday and Sunday, so we missed him. I cried (this is Shelly)...I desperately wanted a pic of Dane with the man in red (it's a tradition). So Matt got on his iPhone and began searching for him. We tracked him down in Sioux Falls, which is an hour and a half away from Watertown. We weighed the pros and cons and eventually decided it was worth the drive. The mall closed at 4pm and Dane sat in Santa's lap at 3:56. Whew!!! We made it and Dane actually liked him :-) Merry Christmas!!
Only four minutes for Dane to tell Santa what he wanted?? You two seriously are the BEST parents.
O yes it was worth it. What a great Santa too. Great memory with that picture. Good going mom and dad! You are the best.
OH MY GOSH! I could feel the anticipation in your writing! I too waited till the last minute - got ours the afternoon of Christmas eve! But - did NOT drive all that way - way to go MOM!!!
Wow, that's dedication! Well I cry about everything these days...
Merry Christmas (and Happy Belated Birthday Shelly)!
SO glad you kept up the tradition! Dane is getting so tall... We miss you, but not the weather!!!!
SO glad you kept up the tradition! Dane is getting so tall... We miss you, but not the weather!!!!
I think it is Tuesday and there are no posts from yesterday. I miss Daners already so PUT SOME PICTURES UP!! LOVES :)
By the way, that is a really COOL Santa! Very authentic, not nearly as scary as the run-of-the-mill mall variety!
I bet Matt cried too!
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