We dedicated Dane to the Lord on Sunday. While it was a joyous occasion, it was trying. The following picture says it all....

While announcing our intention to dedicate Dane to God, Big D grabbed the microphone
several times making it tough for everyone to hear what we were saying. In D's defense, the microphone was shiny and a lot of fun to move up & down.

Dane's Godmommy and Goddaddy flew out from Colorado to be with him on his special day! It was good they were there...we needed the extra hands during prayer time.

One final shot with his awesome Godparents!
Apr, 9, 2008
Uncle Hans still dedicated to the Zitz Family Blog. Not even the lack of postings made me lose faith that I would once again see the cuteness of Baby Dane. I can't say the last 18 days without photos wasn't tough, but this new posting has made up for it and given me renewed energy. ;) Miss you guys!!! And congrats Dane... You are officially a prankster. That microphone thing... Very clever.
I agree with Hans - was concerned there about the lack of postings - but I remember our conversation :).
Precious Dane - phenomenal picture of Mike, Lindsey and Dane! They look AMAZING! Miss you guys!
What conversation??!?! What was I left out of? Fill me in Woods!
How special that Mike and Lindsay could be there...I bet Dane made the Lord smile that day...despite all his fussiness!
Oh the ever precious dedication...can you say SRESSFUL!?!? He looks adorable, and I'm so excited for Dane's dedication. What a precious day!
YEAH for Dane:) How great that mike and lins could be there! such a darling picture of the three of them! so funny that calm little dane was a bit rebellious during the dedication! Looks like a great day:)
So special--congratulations!
That's funny! At least he was trying to get into the spirit of things right? But I understand the stress, Kelsea was only 3 mos old when she was baptized. And it was very draining keeping her content and quiet during the entire ceremony!
Tell Lindsay & Mike hello for us--they look great!
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