Here is Dane on his actual birthday! We're planning to take a picture of him each year at 6:39 am. Well, until he's out of our house, and then we'll just have to call him at 6:39 am each year (he'll appreciate that, right? :-). We stole this idea from Katie
Laughery - thanks Katie!
Happy Birthday Dane!!!
Happy Birthday Big D!! What a great idea....Loves
Happy Birthday Big Man! Wish we were there to celebrate with you. Braylee and I send lots of kisses your way!
Happy birthday Daners. I miss you so much and am sending mucho hugs and kisses virtually to you!
Ummm... I see a problem. I don't think there has been over 10 days in my life that I have been up at 6:39am. You think Dane will appreciate this when he is 17? I am still trying to get over my parents' photos of me with Chicken Pox.
... I must admit though... Cute idea. Shelly, for the next one, maybe you can hold off the delivery until some time in the afternoon.
happy birthday little one! we do this too:)
The Tootles would like to steal that idea. Love it.
BRILLIANT IDEA! Happy Birthday Big D!
I bet most of his 6:39 pictures will catch him asleep...that is precious and will be fun to show him later.
What a precious idea:))
Happy Birthday! I'm so jealous. I took a photo of Johnnie on his actual birthday too but will only be able to do that until he's in school. Maybe I will have to keep him out of school on his birthday. Is that crazy?
Oh that is just too precious. How can it be he is 1 already?!? What a cutie!! Happy Birthday, Big D!
I never thought of doing this but what a great idea. On my kids birthdays at the time they were born I always say a little thank you to God for them. They are such wonderful blessings!
I never thought of doing this but what a great idea. On my kids birthdays at the time they were born I always say a little thank you to God for them. They are such wonderful blessings!
Oh my gosh is he really a year old already? Happy Birthday little Dane! You and Fisher are going to have Birthday weekends together! (-:
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