Swimming? Me? But my bed-head will get ruined...oh well, my mom looks excited...I guess I'll try it.

To kick things off, I floated on my tummy and tried to keep my face out of the water.

I floated on my back too. Ooohhh....look at all the inflatable fish on the ceiling...so pretty.

I even went under the fun noodle bridge :-)

I played with all the boys on a giant piece of foam.

And then I learned to fall off the side of the pool into the water. Luckily, my daddy was there to catch me!

Then I floated on my back some more. Soooo relaxing....

And then I learned to kick! I liked swimming and will go back every Saturday!
how fun to see all those dads swimming with the babies! next summer dane will be ready for the Pacific!
that looks so fun!!!!
He's a little fish! It's good you're grooming him early... he'll be riding the waves soon!
How fun. Especially for daddy. It's neat that you found a daddy & me swimming.
yeah he fits in the suit!! soo cute!!
I love my nephew. I miss him. He'll be surfing in no time...wait you guys live in Minnesota! Ice surfing? You'll just have to get him out to Hawaii as often as you can or back to the beaches of L.A.!
They must have to drain that pool every day. ;) DANE!!! Congrats! A few more visits and guaranteed you will teach Matt how to swim. Its hard though... You know what they say about old dogs.
how adorable. He looks like he loves the water and is having so much fun!
look at all those daddies! how fun!
I love the one where he is just floating on Matt looking at his ring. So cute!! I'm am seriously missing that little guy!!! I would love to see him swim :)
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