Merry Christmas everyone! Matt decided to wear his awesome holiday sweater to the Zitzlsperger family Christmas Eve gathering (from the softer side of Sears in case you want to get one for yourself :-).

Dane discovered ice on Christmas Eve. He kept his hands in the drink tub for a LONG time. He eventually started crying because his hands were so cold...he didn't understand the connection between the ice and his cold hands. It was sweet.

Dane learned to walk behind this car last week. We brought it over to Grandma & Grandpa's house so he could show off his skillz. He LOVES walking (as you can see from his gigantic smile)!

And here's a view of his cute diaper-wearing behind :-)

Now it's Christmas morning and Matt is helping Big D open his very first Christmas present EVER. He was more interested in the paper than the actual put it together. Then he discovered it was an awesome activity table!

Dane loved the music and lights, but his daddy appeared to love them more :-)

His other gift from Papa & Nana was a music-making walker. Dane absolutely LOVED it and was doing laps around our house all day. He is so determined...he would get mad whenever he ran into something...the couch, the coffee table, the wall. He would look at us and yell, as if to say, "a little help here please!!!!" So we'd turn him around and he'd be off again!

Our house is officially Dane's toy lair.

Aunt Wendy sent Dane an old classic - a sit & spin. There was a baby on the front of the box. Big D climbed on the box, stared at the little baby and then gave him a kiss. It was such a sweet, so, so cute.

Aunt Wendy also got Dane a set of nesting blocks that stack up over 3 ft tall. Just when we'd finish a masterpiece, little King Kong would come in and level the whole thing.

It was definitely a White Christmas up in Minnesota. We hope you and your family had a warm and cozy Christmas!
i like the christmas outfit dane is sporting:)
Merry Christmas you guys!!! Your living room is fit for the king now! Nice! Loved every single one of those pictures.
Oh SUCH awesome pictures and great story telling! So happy your Christmas was white and filled with the love of your family and Dane!
We missed the three of you, and witnessing Dane's first Christmas... but we're so glad Dane liked what Nana & Papa sent! He's getting soooooo big. Nana's bet is he'll be walking unassisted before he's a year old.
AWESOME PICTURES! Love the sweater Matt... Yes, I have sweater envy...
Merry belated Christmas! It looks like you guys had a great one! Love you!
merry christmas guys!
Zitz, that sweater rocks! Shells, where are your and Dane's matching sweaters? Now, that would be a site. I hope Dane enjoyed his first Christmas. It just gets more and more crazy each year. Loved your pics. : )
BTW, Matt-chew, love the sweater. I have to agree with p-diddy...I have sweater envy!
Nice sweater Matt! Wallis is hoping to find one in green for next year! Merry Christmas!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!!! Matt - love the sweater, only thing you need to add for next year are some cool Christmas pins. Love the pic of Dane's first snow.
We can't wait to get back to see you guys. Looking forward to New Year's. Dane looks like he had a great time Christmas.
I used to kiss Kate Kelly, a local anchor woman in the SF Bay Area. My parent said once I went in for it in a moment of passion between the two us as she talked about a new panda at the zoo and got zapped by the static electricity on the TV screen. I've been scarred ever since. If only I practiced with the baby on the box. What can I say though... I've got a thing for the older ladies.
Great Pictures! and it does look like your little man racked up on toys :) It looks like you had a Merry Christmas and I hope that 2008 is a AWESOME new year!
The picture with the walker and the giant smile is so hilarious. I just love this little guy!!!!!!!
Great photos! Dane is getting so big. Next year's Christmas will be a blast.
Okay, Matt is rockin' that sweater! Amazingly it seems to look just perfect on him! He He.
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