We had some really cold weather last week (25 below zero without a chill) but it warmed up over the weekend and I took Dane out for a quick photoshoot. He really wanted to bring out his Purple. I told him no, but then he insisted he bring his "Deedee" or blanket. We weren't out for very long, but his temperament made for some great pictures.

We started with his gloves on, but he soon wanted me to take those off.

He quickly learned that snow equals cold. "Daddy, my fingers hurt!!!"

The Keough's are expecting a little girl in April and had a sonogram this weekend. We were able to see it live over the internet. Big D was excited to see their little one too.

Just another example of how much Dane loves his Purple. A few days ago, he insisted that his purple be on the table during lunch.

Dane got his second haircut yesterday. His shorter hair makes him seem so much older to us. We were down in our basement and Dane was showing us his latest dance moves. "What up Yo...Check me out!"

Jazz Hands...these are like Gold!!!

He needs a little help aligning the cart at the top, but is able to carry it over all by himself.

Bring it!

Here is a video of him riding the roller coaster.
Great pics! He is such a doll. I can't wait to see Dane with a little sibling. He's going to be the best big brother, I can just tell.
we need to come hang out in your basement...looks like such fun toys down there:)
If I had to be out in 25 degrees below zero I would want more than just my deedee!! Dane is so amazing. Love his expressions!!
OHH and you got a FLIP video thingy? NOW THAT is a great gift!!!
What neighborhood kid has a roller coaster IN his house? He will be the cool kid on the block for SURE now!
And of course his demeanor his great for pics....it always is.
Still love the curls!
Zitz amusement park. What fun. And the flip video. I got one for christmas and haven't learned how to use it. I think it's easy but I need to get Ryan over here because I'm sure no one wants to see me cooking or reading or Chesley working in the garden.
PS Congrats. Baby looks just fine and dandy and probably warm and comfy.
That ride is the GREATEST!!!! And, I had no idea that you were that far along!!! Nice!
Loved every picture and his blankie out in the snow!
man when are we coming to your basement! ha! congrats on the baby-sound:) so cool and awesome that you stuck to your guns!
I can't believe you can wait to find out the sex. WOW! Great photos of Dane. I remember when Johnnie's haircut made him look older. Dane is so cute.
Oh Baby Deuce, Nana loves you already! You are such a cutie! Can't wait to "talk" to you in February! And Nana and Papa are thrilled that Dane likes his roller coaster, but of course we knew the little daredevil would. I love in the video how he says, "Again," and then, "Help, help, help." Precious! Love you guys...
Congrats on the new little one!!! Love Dane's new haircut and the dancing pics.
OMG 20 weeks already? Trust me the second half goes even faster...especially when chasing after a toddler! :-)
Tell Lindsay Congratulations for me. Little girls ROCK! Well, I guess little boys do too. :-)
OK this post is awesome!!! A roller coaster?? AMAZING! He is such a BIG boy! I started typing on your last "purple focused" post but ended up leaving the post without posting it - but Jack LOVED the post - he totally danced along with DANE! it was hysterical! I should get it on video "wee-oh" and post it!!!
PS - Got a little glimpse of the sweet belly - so fun!!!
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