He also learned how to slide off our ottoman. He just all of sudden did it. This was his second attempt (the first one I could get with the camera). Can you say OUCH!!! He was fine and laughed it off.

His next attempt was well strategized and thought out in advance...not that there was any pressure from the 2000 United States Air Force Academy Womens Gymnastics Team Captain, a.k.a. Mom.

We also started this game where we chase him around the house and then toss him onto one of our down comforters. He absolutely loves it and can barely crawl off the comforter.

He still loves his baths. We realized the other day that he likes listening to himself talk (or yell) when his ears are underwater because it sounds different.

Finally, here is a clip of Dane's new second favorite word...behind "Weo" of course.
I'm more a fan of the color blue but still a huge fan of Dane! Shelly "Bela Karolyi" Zitzspelger sure is training Dane hard these days. But the practice seems to be paying off. That photo of him in the tub took me back two decades. I used to do that ALL the time!! It really is quite entertaining. Gosh... those were the days.
He's fast becoming a two-year old! Oh boy, will you be in for it, now! Get ready... more fun, more new achievements, and more temper tanrums than ever! What a great time! Dane is beginning to look more like a little boy and less like a toddler every day! He sure seems like a natural athlete. No surprise there! Loves...
Ohhhh so fun! I love the action shots - the first one looks PAINFUL! The bath shot is amazing - you should really frame that one! So fun - love the weo's!
can we talk about all the lights on your tree in the background...that is crazy!!! I love the tub shot too:)
How cute! He says yellow the exact same as Johnnie. Your house will be even crazier when baby #2 arrives. How are you feeling?
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