A couple weekends ago, we headed to visit Papa and Nana Hooten. Shelly's Dad has been working in Egypt for about a year and has one more to go. He was able to come back and visit for a couple weeks this summer. It was a 9 hour car ride (which was a little tough on Big D) but all in all, we had a great time. We started the trip by going to New Carlisle, IN where Bob grew up and where much of his family still lives.

It's been a quite a few months since Dane and Papa have had a chance to hang out, but they played together as if it had only been a couple days.

It was also the first time Dane had ever met his Great-Grandma. As you can see, they became great friends instantly. Ethel (85 yrs young) was so sweet and gentle with Big D. She even let him push around her walker. Dane loves pushing things...shopping carts, strollers, his wagon, even his parents.

Papa bought Dane a ball from the Dollar Store in New Carlisle and he had so much fun playing with it. No matter where he kicked it, he would go and get it. Even if it happened to be under Papa and Nana's car.

Dane also got to hang out with his Auntie Wendy. They had so much fun together and Wendy just loves to spoil Dane.

Part 2 coming soon!
What amazing photos for Dane to have down the road. And who knew we both had Ethel's in the family? QME has competition.
Such great pictures. I'd like to sign up for a photography class please. AMAZING!
The pictures with Grandma Hooten are priceless! Way to go Matt with keeping up with the blog!
I'm ashamed... I haven't put ANY of the photos on our blog yet! We SO enjoyed having you guys in both Decatur and New Carlisle, and it was SO too short a visit!
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